Similar words: with the aid of, with the help of, with the naked eye, move with the times, with the exception of, withal, what with, with a bang. Meaning: adv. immediately after that.

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31. With that crack in it, the vase is worth practically nothing.
32. Stop tinkering with that clock and take it to the repair shop.
33. I will have to have a little talk with that young lady .
34. I don't know why you bother with that crowd .
35. You want a plain blouse to go with that skirt - nothing too elaborate.
36. The education system bears / stands no comparison with that in many Eastern European countries .
37. I hear that the old man has broken with that treacherous son of his.
38. Now, wait a moment - I don't agree with that.
39. You'll poke someone in the eye with that umbrella if you're not careful!
40. Soaps like "Neighbours" are pure entertainment and there is nothing wrong with that.
41. Don't scald yourself with that kettle!
42. She has bowled him out with that question.
43. Be careful with that knife or you'll cut yourself!
44. Don't poke her eye out with that stick!
45. He raced with that runner for a prize.
46. Do you need any help with that?
47. I've dealt with that company for ten years.
48. You'll wake up the whole house with that noise.
49. I don't fully agree with that.
50. Are you through with that atlas?
51. Stop slacking and get on with that digging!
52. This color does not go with that.
53. They broke all ties with that country.
54. She tasked her mind with that.
55. This line is a parallel with that one.
56. I'll deal with that in the morning.
57. Hurry up with that coffee, will you.
58. How far have you got with that report?
59. Whatever is he doing with that rod?
60. We will deal with that if the situation arises.
More similar words: with the aid of, with the help of, with the naked eye, move with the times, with the exception of, withal, what with, with a bang, with a will, wherewithal, with an eye to, with a view to, with a vengeance, with a pinch of salt, with a grain of salt, with a heavy heart, like a bear with a sore head, naphtha, right-hand, ophthalmic, right-handed, right-hand man, exophthalmos, that, ophthalmology, ophthalmoscope, and that, at that, now that, all that.